There is so much information about nutrition and diet on the Internet it’s hard to really know your dietary needs. A balance of carbohydrates and proteins are both necessary for optimal health, but protein has specific functions to help your body operate.
Protein is the primary energy source for your cells and essential in the role of metabolism. You need protein to make enzymes to break down food, repair muscle, and use energy efficiently. Your hair and nails are mostly made of protein. Protein is so vital to your body that the lack of it can cause delayed growth, loss of muscle mass, autoimmune issues, lung and heart problems, and even death.
So what constitutes a “protein”? Protein sources are comprised of long chains of amino acids -‐ organic compounds that are often referred to as “building blocks”. Your body’s metabolic processes cannot properly function without them.
There are a total of 20 amino acids – 9 of which cannot be synthesized by the body and must be obtained through diet. These essential amino acids are derived from meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt and are considered “complete proteins”. However, vegetarian protein sources, such as quinoa, soybean, whey, and potato (yes, you read correctly) also meet the dietary guidelines for complete proteins. They just need to be consumed in larger quantities.
But by how much? Of course protein requirements vary as do caloric needs, depending on your activity level. The more active you are, the higher your body’s protein demands go. For example, a body builder’s protein intake will be higher because the need for muscle repair is higher. Regardless, it’s important to get enough protein in your diet to keep your body running at its peak.
Don’t hesitate to ask your Fremont Chiropractor if you have any questions about your health or diet. We are here to help!