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What Kind Of Snack Do You Usually Reach For?

It’s three o’clock and the hunger pangs are nagging us to the point that functioning properly seems nearly impossible. What kind of snack do you usually reach for?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can be fairly simple when it comes to our main meals. Although, the fact of the matter is that we tend to overlook another key aspect to overall health, snacking healthfully. People tend to reach for what is convenient as opposed to what is nutritious. The key is to make healthy snacks available in order to avoid reaching for the bag of chips or candy bar. Store your snacks in containers and throw them in your purse or lunch box and fight temptation and satiate your hunger!


Some of the snacks listed below are not only delicious, but packed with nutrient dense calories which can help sustain you until your next meal. Enjoy!


•           1 cup of Edamame

•           1 medium banana (or and apple or pear) with a tablespoon of Peanut Butter

•           3 ½ cups of 94% fat-free popcorn with a tablespoon of Parmesan cheese

•           1 ounce of nuts

•           3 mini pitas and 2 tablespoons of hummus

•           An apple with an inch slice of cheese (try gouda or Sharp white cheddar)

•           4 tablespoons of hummus with carrots, celery or cucumber

•           8 ounce greek yogurt topped with a handful of your favorite berries

•           Slice of whole wheat bread spread with avocado

•           1 hard-boiled egg

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